Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Ta dah!

Today, although it started sunny here, was mostly dull with occasional brief showers. I had a running around day and managed to achieve several things which felt good.
The main one was a successful foray to Lidl, well several LIDLs actually.
Last week I was disappointed not to be able to source one of these garden climbing obelisks. I fancied one for both my beans and my sweet peas. There were none too be found though and the website said there had been delays. Hazelh even tried their local branch for me too. Today though I managed to source all I needed plus a spare just in case.
I came home very happy and proceeded to demonstrate my skills. My audience was bemused by the fact that I laid everything out in the order I would need them, to check everything was there. It was a lot of pieces and not so much a set of instructions as an exploded diagram - what do you expect for £7.99 though. It's two metres tall, made of metal and has a three year warranty so that's pretty good value. I was particularly pleased to succeed as, on checking the instructions I saw that I needed two men. No wonder it was tricky doing it all on my own as a lone woman, lol. I didn't have a mallet either although I did have a cross head screw driver, a pair of scissors and an adjustable spanner.
I'm pleased with the finished result.... Now I just need to be patient and hold off until the frosts are over before putting my runner beans around it.
Today we all moved to level 3. I'm not availing myself off the benefits yet though, I'll just ca' canny. I'm not staying home but I think I'll stick to garden hospitality just now. Keep safe everyone.

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