Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Help please

I have no idea what this blossom is, I've had a look on plantnet and it has suggested a Japanese Crab (I presume crabapple).
It's a tall narrow tree in a west facing garden nearby. I haven't noticed it before, but the blossom is quite stunning. See extra too.

Sunday this morning so lots of online church. I started with our own Eucharist at Holy Cross, it must be very hard for Stephen our new Rector who was installed just four weeks before the world ground to a halt. He's doing a great job of keeping us all together though. We're a very loving congregation and I think our almost 18 months with no Rector helped us to become even closer. I do wish we could all be together in Church, but seeing him there is good too. I just hope he'll let us share when we can after he's had all this time of having it to himself! At 11am I joined the Scottish Episcopal Church Provincial service from Oban Cathedral led by Bishop Kevin, prayers were led by blipper blethers from her home in Dunoon.

I spent most of the rest of the day pottering about in the garden, I'm regretting my lack of runner bean seeds, for some reason the pack I thought I had bought didn't exist. I'm holding off planting out the sweet peas and lettuce although the peas are doing OK, I've repotted the chives which look much happier and I'm rather fearful that I've killed Ali's bay tree. I don't kill many things but this seems to be a spectacular failure or success depending which way you look at it.
I think the weather is about to change, but everything could do with a good water and it will stop me fretting about the sweet peas if I can't get out into the garden.

We had fish and chips delivered by our local chippy tonight as a treat, oh it was good!

I'm enjoying the beautiful new crescent moon at the moment, its in close relationship with an incredibly bright Venus over in the Western sky. Just beautiful but I'm not even going to attempt to take a photograph as I know I'll be disappointed.

Keep well and safe everybody. Thank you for dropping by my journal, nice to see you.

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