Memories of spring

I have some time off work this week so am enjoying spending more time outside than is usual for me. It feels luxurious even with the cold northwesterly wind blowing. The brighter light, fresh air and sights and sounds of spring are so uplifting. The cool temperatures mean progress in the plant world is slow but there is more time to appreciate the changes.

It is three years today since we collected Merlin from his birthplace in Wiltshire. This evening he is curled up quietly whilst we all relax together. Three years ago it wasn’t quite so peaceful!

My maternal grandmother was also born on 7th April and my maternal grandfather on 6th April, so lots of happy and treasured memories have been recalled over the past few days. This scene of blackthorn blossom and the sound of chiff chaffs particularly reminds me of them, their appreciation of the simple things in life and the joy and wisdom they brought into our days.

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