Flowers in mono

I was so tired last night, we got straight off to sleep, woke just after 12.30, hub went straight back off, unlike me, still awake at 3! I did go to sleep not long after, but hub woke me st 4.20 to turm jean off....thats oxyjean ;-) Both slept then until 8.30......needless to sau Im now flagging big time & its only just after 8.30pm!

We had tea & breakfast in bed this morning, but we were still up and downstairs by 10.30.
We made a couple of phone calls that were needed before getting in our shiney clean car for our coffee run :-)

Town was quiet, as was Costa, a nice half hour sipping pur coffees before I set off to get some steps in. My phone rang mid walk, thought it was one of the retun calls we were expecting, but no, it was hub, in a group chat, with daughter & granddaughter lol. He had inadvertantly dialled using a group rather than just daughter.....she was impressed and took a less than flattering screen shot :-/

Back home for lunch, hub fancied egg mayo sandwiches, so thats what we had! After a cuppa I prepped dinner.....used half the brisket diced into a coconut milk based Rendang curry. Then I was out the door again to get the bulk of my steps was hard going on the way back as it is slightly up hill, but id topped the 10k mark by the time Id got back home. Proof,of todays steps so far in e tras as usual.....and of course, click the link beliow if you would like to show your support, thank you :-)

i checked out what Mono Mondays challenge was for today.....fortunately I had my cream roses with lemon & dark red alstromeria from my sis, in a vase on the table, so with a bit off faffing, they are now mono :-)

Hubs been ok today, hes going to speak to his nurse tomorrow, as we havent touched base with anyone for a couple of weeks...I think it will do him good, his mind is working overtime I think, but then im no expert!

The curry was good, with plain boiled rice and popadoms with mango chutney. Ive just finished off a bottle of prosecco, the last glass, opened last night, it was an organic one, really nice, quite dry though!

We've just ordered two new jigsaws on keep us busy!

Think its going to be an even earlier night than normal intention of watching fhe "interview" tonight, not worth a minute of my time imho!

Hope your all keeping safe & well

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