
By ayearinthelife


Just because we are in lockdown, I see no reason to let sartorial standards slip.
Actually, I hadn’t found anything else to use for today’s blip but remembered I’d had cause to dig this photo out of the archives a few days ago, in response to something Mrs C had been posting on social media. One of her friends, upon learning that I owned a top hat, wondered when you would ever use such a thing. I replied that I always wore it when visiting the tenants on our estate lol!
The truth is slightly more prosaic - we found the top hat whilst clearing mother in law’s house several years ago. It fitted me perfectly so I hung on to it, knowing I would probably be playing a Victorian gentleman in a play at some point in the future. And that point was five years ago when we did “Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde” as our summer play. Can’t remember the name of my character - he was one of Jekyll’s friends - but I do recall opening night was my 56th birthday, which was when the picture was taken.
No play for us this year, so probably won’t be wearing the top hat any time soon. Certainly wouldn’t wear it today - freezing cold and frequent snow showers. We managed a short walk, but it wasn’t that pleasant an experience. It seems this cold weather is going to be with us for some time so I suspect that’s going to be the pattern for the rest of the week.

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