68 Guns

I realise I’m out by a factor of 67, but “Happiness is a Warm Gun” by The Beatles or “Tommy Gun” by The Clash seemed even more inaccurate as a title - fine songs though they both are!
This is Mrs C’s response to my music wall (see yesterday’s blip) and is somewhat of a stark contrast. The gun used to hang in the living room of her parents house, ever since she could remember, and she wanted to keep it when that property was cleared and sold a few years back. The auctioneer who was valuing other items in the property told us it was probably an Indian rampart gun - the sort of thing that would have been used in the defence of a hill fort for instance - and that it was well over 100 years old. As it has also been decommissioned, it falls firmly into the “Antique” category, so no need for a licence or for it to be kept under lock and key. We had it lightly restored - barrel straightened, stock oiled and polished and a general clean - but it is in basically original condition.
Mrs C has asked me to point out that the inherent destructiveness of the gun is counterpointed by the beauty of the flowers underneath it, thus creating a cohesive artistic statement. She has also asked me to assure you that the rabbit in the right of the photo is a soft toy and not the result of a hunting trip with said gun.
The Newtons Cradle is there because I couldn’t find anywhere else for it to go. But as the balls are about the same size as the bore of the gun, I’ll claim they’re a representation of the ammunition used, and therefore an intrinsic part of the whole display!

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