
By ayearinthelife

Hand in Glove

I don’t think there’s been a hand in this glove for some time. Despite some kind soul finding it, picking it up and placing it on the railing, the original owner has obviously not missed it, hasn’t been back to claim it or has cut their losses and thrown away the other half of the pair!
It has been bitterly cold today. We had consequently put off going out for the usual walk but, eventually I said we had to go as the coffee shop would be closed if we left it any longer. At which point Mrs C cried off the walk but kindly offered to drive down to town and pick me up if I wanted to go for a walk. It wasn’t too bad when I set off but suddenly it was white out conditions as this strange sort of “not quite hail, not quite snow” swirled around. I was about to abandon the walk when it stopped as suddenly as it started. So I carried on further. Just as I’d got to the point where I couldn’t be picked up by car, the bad weather returned with a vengeance! Thankfully, by the time I actually got into town the “blizzard” had stopped and the wind had eased. Mrs C had arrived by now so we went to Caffè Nero. I realised we are becoming creatures of habit when I walked and was greeted by the words “the usual?” As it happened - yes, we did want the usual, but one week I might change the order, just to keep them on their toes! Checking on Strava I was surprised to find I’d actually walked nearly 6K - I was convinced it was only 2 or 3. Maybe I was wandering around in circles in the blizzard conditions lol!
Coffees consumed, I was quite grateful to be heading home in a warm car. Back home and time to settle down for the night - fire on, telly on and roast in the oven.
This cold weather seems set for the week, so maybe it’ll be indoor exercises for the next few days!

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