Where is the park!?

I took the boys to the park this morning - to be met by a lake of freezing water and mushy ice.  There was more park which wasn't underwater, so the boys had a good run-around.  We hadn't realised how wet it would be, but had thought it would be really slippy, so they didn't have wellies on and both boys had freezing, soaking wet feet. Home for an early bath and warm up! 

The husband took over childcare this afternoon so that I could get on with the latest assignment, I've been quite down about it recently for various reasons, but it's coming together and the path to getting it finished is clear (hurrah!)

I also got the chance to complete my second running challenge of the month and snuck in a 4 mile run to take me over the mark for 200km this month (excuse the mixed measurements).  The friend who challenged me to make it up to 200km is now suggesting we both aim for 100 miles a month.  Am giving that one some thought, but I'd better be quick if I want to get on with it! 

Today I'm grateful for: 
End in sight for assignment 2
Boys who are too busy playing to feel the freezing cold water in their boots! 

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