Capital adventures

By marchmont

Liberton Kirk

A beautiful morning and it felt good cycling up to the pool.  It was busy, but full of the very slow people and I am one of them.  I had a collision with one of them right at the end.  I was doing back stroke and I did slow down but she still hadn't reached the end by the time I got there.  She is one of these people who only swims with her arms, the legs trail underneath in a semi walk. 

Breakfast etc, and feeding Willow who sped straight upstairs to my bed after her breakfast and didn't move till late afternoon.  That's what happens when you are out all night.  After struggling pairing the new earbuds and being unable to take a call I headed off to Mortonhall to get my points updated.  It was sad to see them dismantling the store for the closure.  I also have very muddy shoes.  I had completely the wrong footwear on but they will clean. Walked back via the Stable Bar who are still serving coffee outside and back through the Park.  It was such a beautiful day with clear views across to Fife and East Lothian.  Must be good for the Vit D.  It was so lovely when I got home that I did some gardening.  Cut back a few more plants including a prune of the pyrocanthus. It was good to be outside with nature. 

Then, loud fanfare. cleaned the house! My ensuite now reeks of bleach.  But it does make me feel very self satisfied.  Later I had another walk to see if I could see the Star of Bethlehem but all I could see was the headlights of planes turning into EDI, and that is the wrong direction.

Call to #3 son which didn't end well. My picture will remain notup, probably till Easter now.  I kept Willow in - she wasn't happy.  She can be a very noisy cat. I watched most of the 'Death of Stalin'.  V funny in a black humour kind of way.

F2F - 5
Phone calls - 1
Virtual - 0

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