Capital adventures

By marchmont

Non specific celebration cake

Unlike yesterday it was very dark this morning so I drove to the pool, penultimate swim.  It was glorious, only 6 of us and only me in the slow lane!! So no diversions and ducking and diving.  Had a great swim.

Home to feed the hungry one and do some bits and bobs before heading out to meet Sai via the charity shop - more clothes donations.  Sai is from Mumbai and he's an Masters student at Edin Uni.  The University was pairing folk up so that the students staying in Edinburgh over the holidays could have some social contact.  We walked around the town, so much colder and darker than yesterday.  We had a coffee (and guess what both of us forgot to put our masks on in Starbucks until we were reminded.  Never done that before so I sympathise with our FM) and chatted about university, India, Malaysia, weather.  I felt so sorry for him - he arrived in September and is only here for a year and can't get out and about and see Scotland. 

Home to make some mince pies (too much filling so not my best efforts) and finish the cake.  As you can see it has multipurpose decoration.  All I can say is it definitely won't be eaten on Christmas Day.  As I was finishing H phoned which was lovely as I was thinking of her this morning.

That's been two days of 10k+ steps - not that I buy in to all that marketing step nonsense but I have had two days of good exercise, in the fresh air.

F2F - 4
Phone calls - 2
Virtual - 0

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