Capital adventures

By marchmont

Plans afoot

This is for Joppastrand who commented on the architectural merit of the Cameron Toll shopping centre when I blipper it on 11th. Plans are being made to modernise it and upgrade it and incorporate housing and a hotel. It will be interesting to see what happens.

I was awake very early and caught up on podcasts including the Christmas Day edition of 'Fortunately'. The pool was was even quieter today. I think by Friday it will be single figures.

Came home to send a long email to my elderly friend in Victoria. Luckily I also remembered that I had a College phone call to make.

Then to the aforementioned Cameron Toll to get the food. I ended up doing most of it in Aldi before Sainsbury's. Sainsbury's was busier than last time but not packed. Nothing like the Christmas check out queues of former years. Thankfully they haven't reinstated the snake entrance system. Probably no need. Bumped into #3 son and #1 gf. His trolley was fuller than mine..

By the time I got back of been shopping for 3 hours. And then it all had to be put away before I could have lunch.

Now it's cold, dark and raining and I'm resting after not enough sleep and a busy day. Tomorrow I don't have to do much apart from be here for the arrival of the Christmas dinner. It's getting closer.

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