Ruins at Vallaness

A windy day, mostly overcast, with the sun trying to get out, with no luck.  It threatened to rain, but never came to anything. 

Up early, and a morning around the house.  Headed out before noon, and met friend Julie for a walk in the hills.  Sorted some Christmas lights this afternoon.  Popped along Madeline's for a cuppa, and they were getting their outside Christmas lights up.  Fish and chips for tea, and then off to work in the shop for the evening. I forgot to mention yesterday, Covid-19 vaccines arrived in Shetland, and they have made a start to vaccinating some people.  I'll be way down on the list, but hopefully this is the start of the end. 

Thankfully it stayed dry for a walk with the dogs, but the hills were wet.  We came across this old ruin, which isn't unusual, but the brickwork at the gate is unusual.  Bricks aren't a common feature in Shetland built homes or buildings, but they do turn up now and again.  I've never seen them used for gate posts before.  Taken at Vallaness, North Nesting.  

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