Mince pies and parcels

They may not be perfect to look at (they are not quite as dark as they appear in the photo), but these are the very best mince pies I have ever tasted. Wonderful crumbly pastry and perfectly delicious filling.

I can't think  that I have ever made mince pies, I was never any good at pastry, never thought they were worth the time and anyway M&S mince pies are good. Then Gordon decided to have a go at making them this year. He is so good with pastry that they were bound to be a success. He made the mincemeat, a first, and, after a bit of  experimentation, found the best recipes, the best times etc. Absolutely delicious. Sorry M&S that's one thing off the shopping list. 

Gordon has gone to the football in Carlisle and I am tackling some parcel wrapping. Tomorrow we are going to have to decide how best to wrap them for posting, a thing we have never had to do before. We seem to have managed every Christmas and every birthday to be around with the family at some point to give presents. Not this year. Fortunately it was suggested that adults buy each other a book, in case we had to post. They are not a problem!!

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