Happy food .....

A day of cattle work.
First job was to bring in the spring calving cows here and give their calves the first of their two pneumonia vaccinations. They also go a pour on wormer which is absorbed through the skin to kill parasites and gut and lung worms.
Once they were back to their field , spent most of the rest of the day tagging wee calves and shifting them and their mothers to various fields .
Then went down the road to feed the heifers again.
Headed off to Dunbar to collect an electrical relay for the wipers on the Claas tractor ,as they keep refusing to switch off !
It was grey dark on the way home, but I’m pretty sure I passed a field of wheat still to cut at East Linton. Good luck with that now !
Either some one at Tesco’s bun making department has a sense of humour , or I’m cracking up !

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