
By Farmerboab

Nose to nose..

A day spent not knowing what time of day it was ! I wish they would leave the clocks alone- you can’t make the day any longer !
A morning spent feeding cattle . Yesterday’s nut job cow came to the barrier for her feeding and let me scratch her lugs, still wouldn’t go in beside her though. Think/ hope the calf has had a suck. It will just need to get on with it.
Mrs F discovered water coming down the kitchen wall behind the fridge , so had to walk it out of the corner then got a jemmy and took all the ply off the pipe boxing until I found a drip coming from one of the old fashioned water pipes. The plumber came for a look and hopes to be back tomorrow to cut out the bend with the drip and piece in a new bit of pipe. Trouble is new pipe is metric and a lot less copper in it so he will need to use compression fittings , which will be fine if the old pipe isn’t paper thin thanks to our acidic water supply . And it will mean turning off the Aga and draining the hot water system. Bugger.
Headed down the road and got the heifers onto the track again. This one came up to investigate Patch, which was fine until she snapped at it !

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