New Kids on the block .....

Another day of cattle work.
A wee rodeo to bring in last years spring bullocks into the shed . Hope to sell them store soon.
Then back up to bring this years spring calves and cows in to give the calves their first pneumonia vaccine. Then back to a different field for them. After lunch brought a field of stirks in here then shifted the Hereford bulling heifers to a different field and put the Aberdeen Angus bull in with them.
Then down the road tonight to feed the cattle there. Of course the ones that wouldn’t come in yesterday followed me into the track no bother tonight ! Had to let them back to the field though as I didn’t have the trailer or anyone to help me. Typical.
A trip into Waverley tonight to collect Junior who is home from Uni for the weekend. Must be needing his washing done again !
These blackie tups we’re keeping an eye on proceedings this afternoon. They are some of the ones bought at Stirling and Lanark in the last couple of weeks.

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