All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


A tough night with Ethan last night. Up just after midnight with him (he wanted tucked back in as he had kicked the covers off!!) and then he wandered through to our room and climbed in our bed 3.30am ... so that was it ... no more sleep for me after that. Think we're going to have to start getting tougher even if it means tears for a few nights as he's coming through to us more and more often and I just can't sleep when he's in our bed as he kicks around so much and takes up tons of space.

We didn't have our usual Wednesday playdate today so I took him to the library then braved going round Sainsbury's with him (he was pretty good though - phew). I was glad though when it was time to take him to nursery so I could chill out at home (or should I say do housework) as I was feeling really shattered by now.

After I picked him up from nursery we went to the station to collect Grandpa. This was a surprise for Ethan as I hadn't told him Grandpa was coming a day early!

I managed to make dinner but by now a migrane was taking it's toll and by 6pm I was curled up in bed. So fed up with these killer headaches!

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