All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Panda bear and iggle piggle

5.20am wake up call from Ethan this morning. Ouch! Fortunately after a few cuddles and gently telling him to lie back down cos it's still sleepy time, he obliged and I went back to bed. I heard him chattering on the monitor for 1/2 hour then he went quiet till 6.30am, at which point I got him up.

This evening, he was clutching on to panda bear and cuddling iggle piggle when I went to check on him. He has also taken to going to bed in not just his sleeping bag, but with his cot duvet too. I'd been wondering how to best make the transition from sleeping bag to duvet as I don't really want to have to buy bigger sizes (he has nearly grown out the biggest ones I've got). But hopefully another month or so and it will be warm enough to forgo the sleeping bag altogether and just try the duvet full time.

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