All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Krispy Kremes

Grandpa stayed overnight with us last night so he could go to watch Eden and Ethan in their respective swimming classes. Eden's class is just over an hour before Ethan's so as we were there early, I took him in the pool early. He did tons of swimming and was tired by the time his lesson started. However he did brilliantly and even attempted to swim using a noodle (his pet hate) both with and without his armbands on. His instructor told me she's considering moving him up to the next class, where he would go in without me. I'm not sure if I want him to do that yet as he has only just regained his confidence with swimming so we'll see how it goes over the next few weeks.

We then went to Almond Valley Heritage Centre to meet some of my friends and their kids. Ethan was shattered by now though - didn't really want to eat his lunch and didn't really want to join in playing with his wee pals. I ended up abandoning the play date and drove to Bathgate to the Foreveryoungs. Ethan fell asleep on the way there and had a long snooze in the car. He was really pleased to see Granny and Grandpa there when he woke up though!

When we got home after dinner, we all enjoyed some Krispy Kreme donuts from the recently opened store and Ethan paraded around in a hat from there too!

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