
This is the nice family whose baby I photograph. They posed for me early on and the grandmother made moon pies for me. They kindly pose for me whenever we are all out for walks. 

I FINALLY finished editing the wedding pictures. The last one was the Benezier technique. I did three tries. Only one stitched together nicely in the software and it was the one where the groom was horsing around. Harumph. Rather than give up I created a composite of that one and one where he had a nice face on. Posing. I need to work on posing, posing couples, posing families, posing groups. 

We're going to have some tough weeks ahead. I remember as a child being told that we were not a democracy, but really, that was just theoretical. Fine, we weren't technically a democracy, but we were functionally a democracy. Now the difference matters. Now the difference is keeping a lot of your American friends up. Also, a lot of your American friends are genuinely worried about widespread violence after the election. 

I am focusing on the fact that white supremacists are unorganized cowards who need racism because they themselves are inept. 

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