"I'll get these"

The fact that we couldn't be sure that we'd be moving, meant that Abi didn't cancel her shift at work, so she caught the train up from Salford, this morning, and I drove up, this afternoon. 

I'm still plugging away at the #milesforrefugees, so when I arrived home I took the opportunity to get in a quick 3.6 miles, going along the river and through Underley, which, as you can see, was looking lovely. (You can also see the newly completed path.)

Once I was showered and changed, I asked Dan if he fancied walking into Kirkby for a drink and we decided to go for the newly refurbished Kings Arms, which was indeed looking very fresh and rather nice. 

I must say that table service in pubs is one of the perks of the lockdown and we made ourselves comfortable and ordered a couple of drinks. When the waitress brought the beers over, I reached for my card but Dan put his hand on my arm and said "I'll get these". 

Hooray for children reaching adulthood!

No scales
Reading: 'The Vanishing Half' by Brit Bennett

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