The rest of forever...

By DrMac

On the lookout...

For the dog cognition testers...the Riseholme campus at Lincoln University was a wealth of smells and noises and the girls were besides themselves with excitement! We did manage to manoeuvre ourselves into the centre without too much trouble and then they took it in turns to go in to the testing room to watch two screens with videos of people displaying different emotions to see how they responded. Given that they go mental if I as much as sound a teeny bit enthusiastic, I'm sure they will skew the results beyond belief! Anyway, they behaved beautifully although there was a bit of grumbling from Pip when Lottie came back from the other room (where have you been without me?) and a lot of whining from Lottie when Pip went next door! And they got fed a wealth of sweetcorn and spam so I dread to think what will happen to their guts overnight!

The start of the day - dog walk and a zillion jobs around the house, two and a half hours finishing my article ready for publication (next week, I think) and a bit of ironing. The afternoon was the dog testing, plus a colleague came to meet me there and we prepared for her interview. This evening has flown by - I flash fried some venison and it was amazing! Just a small handful of red onion, mustard and tat soi. Yum scrum. Now a glass of red wine and then bed in half an hour. I'm always shattered after the weekend!

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