The Italians

We've got to know this lovely Italian pair, Eleanora & Cristian, over the past few years as they're also Nude cafe regulars. Cristian and Asha were busy making earrings this evening - he was brilliant at it and loved it! Eleanora is wearing the first pair he made.
A productive day - Asha's created loads of earrings and painted a beautiful canvas. Nate's created a lot of mess, so surely was having fun too? A quick simple picnic on the rocky beach (see extra) in between Danny's classes and him being in Sa Penya with Chele. And then Caña Club tonight. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Toni's mug with the photos on looking SO good!!
2) Asha's loving discovering classical music - she requested the Air on the G String again today.
3) Eleanora and Cristian, their friendship has kind of snuck up on us. 

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