School starter

A day based around Asha’s grades - Danny had to go collect them. Unfortunately only 1 parent could go and no no chance to say a real goodbye. Toni apparently got quite emotional when he opened the class gift. He’d written a letter for each child and made them each a certificate. I feel sad that it’s ended like this! We met up with a few school families in one of the recently reopened kids parks. Good to see them.
Took Asha for her favourite tostada in Nude as a well done for fantastic feedback from school.
The pic is us walking past what will be Nate’s part of school in September, he liked the look of the playground!

Today I’m grateful for;
1) Asha getting good feedback and her teacher recognising her hard work.
2) Toni - what a loss we’ll feel.
3) Sitting INSIDE Nude - not been able to do that in a good few months!

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