Asha Khalo

This week's schoolwork is all suggested fun stuff - one of which was to recreate a famous portrait. Unfortunately Nate was totally freaked out by Asha's eyebrows (understandably, ha!) otherwise we'd have spent more time perfecting the look...still, was a lot of fun to do!!
Danny handed in his final essay for year one of the Masters!! The 2 years prior have been the Graduate Diploma. Stephen and Jud came over for a celebratory takeaway. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny's computer working long enough to get the essay written and sent in!
2) School being kind and giving fun activities for this week.
3) The photo shop being able to do a super fast turnaround and put the images of all of Asha's class onto a mug for tomorrow (a goodbye gift from the class to Toni). 

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