
By LifeLines

Taking it in

I woke at 4am this morning, just as the dawn chorus was starting and the darkness of the night was lifting.  How different these days of June are to those of December.  It seems strange that so many of us humans try to continue similar routines despite the seasons.  Many of us have little or no choice. 

I'm making an effort to be more in tune with nature and the rhythms of the changing seasons - in as far as I am able, particularly as they seem to affect me more the older I become.  These long days of light, sunshine and warmth are to treasure.  This evening I stood in the field surrounded by daisies and roses watching the swifts, swallows and house martins swoop in the sky overhead.  Above them a buzzard glided on the eddies and way below stone chats and willow warblers sang from the bramble bushes. 

I stood trying as hard as I could to take it all in and hold it close to me.

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