
By LifeLines

Dog and daisies

Dog in the daisies!  We heard a squeaking sound coming from the undergrowth just before we saw Merlin's head pop up.  He'd found another ball!  This one didn't look very suitable for him so it was hidden in my ruck sac and then disposed of when we got home.  He wasn't impressed.

A relaxed day with a short early morning trip to the allotment to net over the fruit bushes, then a dog walk and a video call with Dad.  Later there was another dog walk, homemade spinach tart for dinner made using a recipe kindly provided by a fellow blipper, and a video call with my sister and her family.

Tomorrow we enter June.  It is strange to think I have been working at home since March.  Some days during these times feel odder than others. 

Hoping your day has been a good one.

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