Globe flowers

What an amazing number of alpine flowers in the pastures above Grindelwald, including many of these Globe flowers.

How strange to see Grindelwald empty as it is usually packed with tourists. None of the trains or cable cars are running so we took the post bus as high as we could go and did a traverse walk under the Eiger. See the extras for some images of the Eiger itself.

When we got off the post bus, high in the meadows near a few farms, a 6-year old boy got off with us. He was on his way home from school (11.30 am.....Swiss primary schools start early and children don’t go full time until they are 8). We walked together for 10 mins during which time he chatted away telling us that his dad was a real life pirate, complete with his own sword and head scarf! Sounds like an interesting character.

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