Boats on Lake Thun

As we are now on holiday for 2 weeks we decided to make the most of it and yesterday booked an apartment in Grindelwald. The drive across was spectacular, I’d forgotten how beautiful it is. We made a short stop in Darligen, on the banks of Lake Thun, on the way. Such a tranquil place. All the boats had blue covers on and we wondered if the colour was compulsory as all the benches were blue too.

It felt good to be out of lockdown. We still have to keep 2 mètres apart and there can be no more than 5 people together but it feels more like normality now. Lots of cafes/restaurants have chosen not to open so the ones that are open look quite busy. Still no tourist trains or cable cars but they will be allowed to open soon. I’m sure the boys are enjoying having the house to themselves for a few days!

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