Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Dig for Victory - 1943 style

This seems remarkably appropriate for these days. I was bemoaning the destruction the other day of my 40th edition Bero book and had a look through some boxes today. I came across a pre-war Homepride book, a Bird's custard powder book, a Brown and Poulson cornflour recipe book, and several Bero books so I think I'll be OK.
I also came across this little Dig for Victory leaflet from the 2nd World War Ministry of Agriculture. Lots of very helpful instructions and planning for an allotment on a three year rotation. I love the references to rods, poles and perches.... Greek to many nowadays I fear, the metric system and base 10 are much easier! I believe this leaflet is from 1942/43 it says it's the new series and the original leaflets were in black and white. It's in beautiful conditon considering it is almost 80 years old. I've posted an extra pic of two other leaflets, this time on preserving, which I think were from the first series earlier in the war.
I was out early for a walk today and missed most of the rain. I came back in time for the church service at 11, and also spoke to the girls who were in Inverleith Park, they'd spotted a swan and a heron.
After lunch as I mentioned, I went through some old boxes. What I can't find are my button boxes. I fear they are in the eaves hidden under all the cases and wedding things. My button boxes span three generations and at least three families on my maternal side and I need three nice buttons to replace some very dull ones on a top.... I'm going to have to do some more digging I fear, not sure if it will be for victory!
Talking of which I put the four runner beans which have germinated successfully into the cold frame today. It's looking good the peas are out in the big world and the radishes are looking healthy too. I'll put the courgettes out into the bed next week I think. The least successful at the moment are my lettuce which are not doing very well at all... We'll see.

Keep well and keep safe everybody, fingers crossed that we don't start to see a rise in infections now the lockdown has been eased down south.

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