Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

8 weeks

The top two pictures were taken on the 19th of March, just as lockdown began. Bare earth, empty pots and last years empty grobags with bare raspberry canes in the background. The picture underneath is the same bed today. I wouldn't have believed it was possible for so much to happen in such a short time. There are some young sweetpeas against the white wall and the pot with canes has peas in it. I'm looking forward to next month's image.
Today was colder, the thermometer said 14° but it didn't feel like it, off and on short showers of rain that didn't really come to anything but which put me off going out and about. I had a short walk to pick up a jigsaw somebody was offering on the local residents' page but other than that stayed in.
A and S delivered our shopping so it was nice to see them briefly. A quiet evening tonight I think, Sunday tomorrow and another week gone by. I'm looking forward to summer and the fruits of my hard work in the garden.
Keep well and safe everybody and stay at home. That way we'll all be able to enjoy the summer.

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