Hill o Houlland

A breezy day, some cloud in the morning, but mostly sunny all day.  It was warm in the sun, but the northerly wind had a chill in it.

Up early, and out into the garden after breakfast.  I've pretty much spent the whole day in the garden.  I managed to get some bedding plants, and some planted today, and almost finished the new decking area.  Walkies with Sammy in the afternoon.  I've been busy in the kitchen, making trifle tonight for Sunday pudding.  My custard went lumpy, so cheating with tinned custard now.  Feet up by the fire now. 

Me and Sammy headed on one of our usual walking routes.  After checking with crofter Carol, she directed me over the hill, avoiding lambing sheep.  As I hit the summit, I was greeted with a wonderful view.  Carol's house on left, looking down the Houlland road, and towards Scalloway, then Clift Sound and the back hills of Quarff and Cunningsburgh.  Taken from the Hill of Houlland. 

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