The Eagle & Child

I imagine my Mom may well get the blip title reference!
A morning of the usual, school work, Lego, washing etc etc...then time juicing loads of ginger and lemon for J&R who are under the weather. Nate was a very excited helper as you can see from the extra - note the freshly painted nails, ha! Post lunch Danny and I both took a kid for a walk, Danny and Nate down to the rocks, and Asha and I up to James and Rich's. She collected them some flowers along the way too. Lovely to see James at a distance, I'm used to seeing him on a screen these days!!
On our meander home Asha told me she thinks she'd like to start a business so she can make money to help the homeless friends here. Bless. Her. Heart. She's busy thinking about what she could make and sell. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A daughter with a kind heart.
2) Danny and Nate making a delicious juice - orange, carrot, red pepper, lime and ginger. 
3) Wonderful friends.

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