Vitamin Sea

Nate has been my side kick today, he was a very enthusiastic cleaner with me this morning - he particularly enjoyed spraying anything and everything! The flat certainly smells clean now, even if it it isn't, ha! Nate's also kept me entertained by talking to me about learning his 'A B C D Qs', hahaha!
I took the kids down to the rocks this afternoon - it was soooooo good for the soul! Nate was in his element, as you can see! An hour flies by when you're having fun. 
I had an early evening Zoom with a couple of friends on the island, then later we watched our home church's new series called 'Questions of Life’. Donald and Cath were just brilliant in talking about how their faith in Jesus is helping each of them in this current crisis. I loved their vulnerability, wisdom and humour. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny getting a brilliant mark for his latest Masters essay.
2) Watching the kids potter in nature.
3) Donald and Cath.

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