Life Aquatic

Gill and I headed out to a friend's cafe, S'Escalinata, this morning whilst Danny taught class. It's a gorgeous place set inside the Old Town walls, up a set of steps, covered in colourful cushions. Nate, Gill & I enjoyed a very relaxed hour or so there...Nate especially enjoyed the special treatment he received from Elena.  After that we wandered to the modern art gallery which was lovely. We met up with Danny and spent quite a while with Gill and a few of the homeless guys, and then bumped into Sole after that.

After getting Asha from school we headed over to San An to the gorgeous little was a lot quieter today than last time!! Nate enjoyed waving at the fish and saying hello, ha!
This evening we had Caña Club - a relaxed evening together!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Coffee at S'Escalinata. I've added an extra of Gill & Nate.
2) Introducing Gill to so many friends here.
3) Danny seeing Elia up in Sa Penya tonight.

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