
By Sunseeker

Lemon scented geranium flower

I have several of these plants both in the garden in Evia and on my Athens balcony... . They're very luxuriant in Evia and are probably covered in flowers now. This one on the balcony never did very much before, but since being repotted and fed, it's doubled in size and is in full bloom. So some good has come of lockdown!
It was our street market day today, I'm so glad it's been allowed to continue through the lockdown. I came back with a trolley load of lovely fresh veg and fruit plus fresh sardines. Nobody seemed to be bothering about the distancing rules and only about half the people were wearing facemasks, and no police checks.... quite a change from a couple of weeks ago . A bit worrying.
Dinner was a feast: fresh artichokes, baked sardines and salad followed by strawberries.

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