Empty Airport

A fairly calm day in Scalloway, but breezy when out of the shelter of the hill.  Mostly cloudy and dry.

A day off work for Easter Monday, and not much to do.  A lazy morning around the house, and then headed south to the airport in the afternoon.  Some walkies with Sammy, and chats for afar.  I forgot to mention I saw a Bonxie (Great Skua) yesterday.  Coronavirus cases up again, to 45.  There has been more deaths too.  A possible 5 more deaths, all in the Waas care centre, yet to be confirmed.  That would be 7 needless deaths here in Shetland, and so many more across the world, so sad.

I hadn't mentioned Madeline has been in hospital for the last two weeks, as I didn't want to panic anyone.  She finally got south for a operation for a pace maker, all went great and now safely home.  We headed down to pick her up, and a super excited Sammy was happy to see her.  As I came into the airport, hardly a soul to be seen, thankfully.  It's never Heathrow busy, but usually folk milling around, heading away on holidays etc.  We have very limited flights just now, one in, one out.  Hopefully all this less air travel worldwide will have a beneficial impact on the earth.  Taken at Sumburgh Airport.  

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