Sunshine and smiles

Another day of clear blue skies and sunshine.  Its the weather we have been longing for all these weeks.  I am fortunate that I have a garden and an allotment where I can enjoy being outside and so, today, that is where I spent my time.  

At the allotment I dug over and weeded a few more beds, and planted some red onions.  There were others on the site but we were all well spread about and it was nice to see families together working away.  In the garden I sat crouched on the grass with Merlin at my side whilst I sowed tomato, beetroot and spinach seeds into pots to bring inside and sit on a sunny window ledge.  Merlin was most interested and so I had a constantly interfering wet nose in my compost!

Andy has been at his Mum's house doing more clearing out.  We enjoyed two dog walks together.  It seemed busy out, people getting out enjoying the fresh air.  I read later that many of the coastal towns and countryside locations have been overwhelmed with people.  We are being reminded of the importance of staying at home and keeping our distance from those not in our own households.  It is hard to take in what is happening and quite how life will be during these coming months.  Today we had a conversation about how we will need to adjust our shopping routine and the food we eat.  Who would have imagined, even a few weeks ago, that we would be having to consider such things.

Today the lesser celandine that I blipped a few weeks ago have been shining their happy faces at us from the end of the garden.  They have been such a welcome sight that I thought they should be my blip today.  Sending you sunshine and smiles.  

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