
By LifeLines

Coffee Tree

Earlier this week I hosted the visit of a couple of Swedish researchers from the Linnaeus University.  As you might imagine, the university is named after Carl Linnaeus, the Swedish scientist famous for his work on taxonomy.  They gifted me several lovely things, including a bag with their logo on it which is inspired by one of Linnaeus's drawings - of a coffee tree.  I love it!  

Merlin is recovering well from his little operation and is more like his bouncy self and getting frustrated that he is only allowed one 10 minute walk a day!  I thought I might try to take him to sit at my allotment tomorrow so that he has a change of scene.  The work in the garden is also progressing - the patio and paths are now complete and its on to the pergola and flower beds next week.  Meantime, it is the weekend - to which I am very much looking forward!

Wishing you all a happy Friday evening.  

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