Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

That red coat..

A blue grey icy world greeted me this morning, the untrodden snow was still fluffy but the rest had turned to stoney ice as the minus temperatures gripped the earth beneath my tires.

All around the world looked like a Narnia landscape and I half expected to see Mr Tumness in his scarf. The lamplight shone all golden and seemed to sparkle with magic! As I crunched my way across the ice and snow, hearing my wheels bite into the hard shapes, I spotted her....the girl in the bright red coat.

She walked with her head down and snuggled into a big scarf, doggedly making her way along the frozen path, her bag of books swinging under her arm. I cycled passed....the coat seemed brighter the closer I got...the most daring colour amid the cold white and blue.

Little did she realise the pleasure she gave by choosing such a garment, the colour playing upon my eye as we passed. The air was bitter...but in the glow of that coat it was summer.

Little things......if life is made beautiful by little things then you will find them often and everywhere.....such are my days!

Another ordinary day in the most magical world!


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