Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete


It kept coming...the snow fell gently and consistently throughout the evening..I had trouble sleeping.
My beeeeeautiful wife and I had been out when all had retired for the night and played silly buggers, running, sliding, throwing each other about and throwing loads of snowballs. We laughed and hugged and then nestled into our comfiest stuff and sat watching it from the warmth of the house.

I woke up and looked out the window...wooooooohooooo! More of it!

The drive to work was slow and everyone drove how you should, no silly sods, perfect!

I have since spent an hour peddling about on my fabulous bike, where others have floundered I have been laughing and having a whale of a time! Cambridge at its best! It will soon be time for work...I would dearly love a snow day like hundreds of schools...but I work for a living and you have to be there!

So if you have a day to play in it....think of me and don't you dare waste a minute of it, because if I wasn't at work...well, you wouldn't see me for the whole day!

Have fun folks!

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