Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Robert took Archie out, to keep his step rate up. He has a sore heel, and he goes limping off home every time, so I’ve told him not to come twice a week - don’t want to wear him out! But he was SO pleased today, because, at last, after a month, Archie deigned to jump up on his lap and make himself comfy.

JR went off to get (doggy) ear stuff at the pet shop - Archie's been hanging his left ear a bit of late. Once I’d washed Archie and hung the washing up, I walked across (keeping up my steps!) the Meadows (Extra) for my long-awaited foot appointment, leaving a clean but damp Archie with his precious old bone. 

The podiatrist twisted and pulled each foot as we chatted and pointed out the nerve that goes right up the top of my foot, up the side of my knee and to my back. It's only one cell wide, but several feet long. He stretched it on each foot. This is what's been causing the pain in my toes at night. He then gave me insoles, and got me to balance on one leg. OK on the right side, nigh impossible on the left. But by the time I left, I’d improved. I have to practice this. Well worth the £85 *cough*

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