Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


She reminds me so much of what I was like as a child. I just could not get enough to read. Here she is 6 just the weeks ago and completely engrossed. We're in the cafe passing the time between school and Rainbows, she's sitting with a baby chino and we've shared a croissant. I've told her I'll buy her a torch so she can read in bed like I used to!
Today was our communion service at church my turn to conduct the service and for possibly the last time, as our new Rector will be in post by the time I come back from India. I'll miss leading services, I've really enjoyed the privilege. We had 8 there which isn't bad on a midweek morning in a building with absolutely no heating! After that I went round to the rectory to check a few things then home where I made a pot of soup. We had my favourite egg toast for lunch, it's delicious made with fresh baguette.
This afternoon I prepared the oranges ready for making marmalade this evening as I didn't have time to finish the job before I was on Eilidh duty, as above. I made the mistake of popping into Waitrose on my way home and couldn't resist the box of half price Seville oranges so there will be yet another batch!
This evening I boiled up the juice and peel from this afternoon and tomorrow I'll finish off the batch. I'm not usually so disjointed with things but it's been a day of parts by necessity.
We watched another Vera this evening, up to series 4 now!

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