Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Before and after

The batch of marmalade I made last week was a good one, so I decided I'd repeat the exercise while there are still Seville oranges around. Stage 1 is now successfully completed - ie. I've bought the oranges! I just have to complete the next few stages and I'll be laughing, now how to fit that in!!

Tuesday today, I heard this morning that one of the ladies I take communion to, aged 108, died last night. It's hard to be sad, she'd had a good life and had outlived all of her friends. I hope I'm as on the ball as she, she'd lost much of her sight and hearing, and her memory let her down at times, but she was an amazing lady. She'd moved to a care home in Edinburgh about 6 years ago to be nearer to her family. I'll miss going to see her.
Colin and I walked down to Craigleith this morning and I picked up some lightweight trousers, to wear in India, in their sale. Fashion doesn't matter when I'm there but I like to look respectable and fairly smart. I also need to be able to hand wash things and wear them without ironing, so the right fabric is what matters. Getting them in the sale was a bonus!
Back home and soon I was out again to take communion to an elderly couple who haven't been able to get to church for a while it was lovely to catch up with them. It's strange to see those who I still think of as the adults and leaders in the congregation as the elderly members, and to realise that time has moved on and I am now the age and stage that I remember them as being.
We had a treat tonight and shared a fish supper. I don't know whether it's a local thing, but we like to have what is called "special fish", which means it is cooked to order but in breadcrumbs instead of batter. Delicious it was too. Almost all chip shop fish in Scotland is haddock and usually its fresh not frozen and unlike in England it is prepared without skin. A real treat.

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