
By Cumbrialass

Trip for thai

Lovely mild  day. We had nice walk through the woods and past the Abbey ruins. It was almost spring like. Extra of the old farm track..leading to the old farm!

Another walk at 4:30 in almost thick mist!

Up to Ambleside to meet my sis in law at the Thai restaurant. Left at 5:15 and got caught up  the traffic...a very slow journey to reach Ulverston.  I always underestimate how long it takes to reach Ambleside.

It was good to meet up with always.

The road was very empty when we drove through Bowness ..then we saw the signs Road Closed Ahead! 
So we turned round and took the Kendal bypass. Road works there too! Luckily we didn't have to wait long to join the convoy. Then the thick mist descended again! 
But we got home safely and Fletch had been sleeping soundly and obviously hadn't realised he'd been left longer than normal.
Blip is of the ceiling of the restaurant

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