
Went to the cinema tonight to watch Cloud Atlas with Natasha - I absolutely loved David Mitchell's book, and really enjoyed the film. I have to say, I am quite forgiving with film adaptations of books, my expectations are always quite low - it is never going to have all of the same elements and nothing is ever going to be produced to match the inner workings of your imagination! That being said I really did think it was a great film, although I felt a bit sorry for Natasha, having not read the book and with English as her second language, it was hard for her to keep up with such a vast storyline.

I didn't have a blip for today (was working hard!), so decided on some other books made into films - Mark has been carefully collecting the 1960's Pan editions of the James Books since finding 2 of them in a charity shop in the UK last year. We have the whole collection now, and I do think they look lovely on the bookshelf.

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