A Happy Man

I woke in the night and there was clear skies, sheet lightening and no thunder ….. very strange.

At breakfast one of our table attendants - Saran - came and shook my hand until I thought it was going to fall off. I have never seen anyone so happy at being given a tip (I slipped it to him last night). He is a young lad from India and this is his first job - a 2 year contract with a 2 month (paid for) trip home mid way through. That must be tough, but it obviously doesn't play on his mind as he is just a walking smile.

Sitting on the veranda in the shade and I hear a female voice shouting for help. 
I could see a couple standing on the beach looking out to the lagoon but that was all. But there was definitely cries for help.
I walked to the front of the tree line and could see 3 heads well out in the lagoon. They were all fairly well separated but it became obvious which was calling for help as the shouting stopped each time the head disappeared.
There was the couple on the beach and 2 or 3 people at the end of the jetty (a lot closer and with a higher viewpoint than me) but none of them were doing anything.

So of I went striding out into the blue.
I couldn't start swimming or I would have lost sight of 'the head' ….. so walking it was. Hard work in water chest high with a bit of a swell and current.
I got about 3/4 of the way and saw that one of the other snorkelers was making his way to the woman. By the time I got to her she was hanging onto him and seemed to be okay.
When they had gone out the water had been calm but the wind had picked up causing a bit of a swell and then a boat had passed on the other side of the reef so the wake, when it arrived, had added to the swell. At that point she realised that she had become separated from her boyfriend and couldn't reach the bottom (she was really quite short) and started to panic. He couldn't hear her because he had his ears underwater.
She was mortified for "being so stupid" as it was "only a panic attack".
I explained that it wasn't "only" anything …….. she needed help - end of story.
They assured me that  she was okay and didn't need any help getting to shore so I headed back to the beach.
SWMBO said I strode out of the water like James Bond (although I was in shorts and shirt) ………….. I said I felt more like a sheet of Basildon Bond  -- wet, limp and only fit for the bin. I was knackered.
After a shower and a cool down I walked out to the end of the jetty as I was sure there was a phone out there. Yep - a hotel phone, in a wooden box (no signs or instructions though).  There was also a member of staff. Not good English at all, but somebody thrashing about and screaming for help is fairly universal.. I walked back along the jetty and went to reception and let them know what had happened and suggested some staff training to those who are on duty at the end of the jetty and will be putting it in writing.
A bit of excitement for the final ay for sure.

Everyone we have spoken to has said how much they enjoy the peace and quiet of the place.
I am not sure that the big booming speaker the bar has put up on the beach is going to go down too well.

Ali and Tina the Germans who tried nicking our loungers (they left their names in the sand in bits of palm fronds) have been chased away from the loungers next door by the housekeeper. It turns out they are staying on the other side of the island which has very little beach and not such a nice view.

What a journey from the resort to the airport on the first leg home …. Walk out along the jetty, get on a boat, 5 minutes later get off the boat (by clambering over another boat and up onto the dockside.....different), walk 20 yards and get on a bus. Drive 400 yards, get off the bus, walk through a door and you are at check-in, turn to your right and you are at security. Walk through another door and your are in the departure lounge. Out a door onto the tarmac and walk 50 yards to the plane steps.
Short, sweet and to the point.

Arrived in Male and a Rep from the resort met us and pointed us in the right direction for the flight to Istanbul …. very efficient and helpful.
In the queue for check-in for the flight to Istanbul we saw Ali & Tina ahead of us. She helped herself to a pocketful of luggage ties (why?) and he more or less demanded an upgrade to business class - which was refused out of hand.
We asked (the same check-in clerk) if there was the chance of upgrading and if so the cost. The nice man then spoke to the lady in charge of business class and she went through the list and confirmed that unfortunately it was full. Both were most apologetic. Okay - we didn't get upgraded, but it was still a moral victory for politeness.

When we were in the air I couldn't get my seat to recline so one of the stewards tried. Immediately the Russian woman behind SWMBO demanded that the seat not be reclined because her boyfriend was tall and needed legroom.
Well I am tall, with a bad back … and had paid for extra legroom, so tough.
Unfortunately, the bloody seat was broken and wouldn't recline.
The entertainment system was also a bit iffy too so watching films was a challenge.
2 hours broken sleep on an 8 hour overnight flight with an 8 hour layover in Istanbul ………….. I am glad we have lounge access.

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