8 Days

8 days ago I planted some garlic cloves which were beginning to  sprout.
The speed with which they have shot up makes me think they are bound too fail.

SWMBO has not been well today, we were waiting on a heating engineer - with no specified time other that a 30 minute warning phone call (in the end he just turned up, listened to me saying the switch wasn't coming on in the morning and ordered up a new one ….it has only been there for 2 months and he made no attempt to check it in any way) and looking after the monsters from lunchtime.

This meant that I was unable to attend HL's funeral and give moral support to Lady F.

After dropping Squirrel of at gymnastics it was just The Cygnet and I who went to The Larder I have never had parsnip and honey soup before, but I can highly recommend it.
I took some pictures of one of the chefs and the founder of the charity (one day I will manage to get a shot of her without her sticking her tongue out at me) but until they have been 'cleared' they stay hidden from public gaze …… but I have put a couple of others in the 'Extras' box.

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