Just Checking In

I have no way to process pictures -nor would I wish to at the moment - but I just grabbed this on a mobile device to let you all know I am still alive (despite the death wishes from those wishing they were here instead).
Flying out tomorrow night I am sad to say and then there will a day or so before the backblipping starts in earnest.

EDIT ………....

Sat in the shallows for quite a while with the neighbours having a 'right good natter'. Probably a bit too long because the knees are looking a shade 'pink'.
I thought Bridget might freak when we told her the 3' fish that swan past about 3' away was in fact a Black Tipped Reef Shark, but she actually did remarkably well and even stayed in the water.

It was a touch too much sun for the knees and thighs even though we were in the water and they are glowing and cooking well this evening.
The downpour stopped just as we were about to walk along the jetty for the feeding frenzy - so that was nice. The flash seemed to work fine so now all I have to do is see if there is anything half decent on the card.

I was speaking to the restaurant manager today about the pottery that is on display and how I liked that some of it was 'wonky' and didn't sit straight. He was telling me all about the history of ceramics and their use on the islands. We then got onto talking about wooden vessels and I was saying how I loved the different woods that were used. He was able to identify the fruit tree outside our veranda ….. Doomburi - a relation of mango but not one you would want to eat.
We were also telling him how great his staff have been and how good the food is. He was really pleased to hear it and said that he knew they didn't always get things right and there was always room for improvement so any feedback of any kind was good for him.

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