
Free food and drink and peace from the hubbub that is one of the worlds biggest airports.
I spotted this through one of the cut-outs in the partitions (see extra) in the airport lounge. She looked weirder when she was facing the other way …. before I got the camera out.

When I was having a walk around to stretch my back I saw somebody being given a head and neck massage.
I mentioned it to SWMBO and off she went to find out if there was a cost. She came back a while later and told me not to go.
It was free, but she said it was going to take a very long time for her eyes and teeth to stop rattling and that it was not a massage for a man with a bad back and another few hours crammed in an aircraft seat.
I am glad I didn't go first and try it …. she said it hurt - loosened the muscles, but really, really hurt.

After an uneventful flight, we landed in the hell hole that is Edinburgh airport.
We came down the steps (no gantry) and were herded into a waterfilled, covered walkway and held there for 10 freezing minutes before being allowed to go to passport control ……… where half of the automated passport readers were not working. Then it was a 40 minute wait for the bags to start arriving  - very slowly (obviously only one baggage handler who was on a go slow). When ours arrived I immediately went over to the woman at the 'problems' desk about the burst carcase on one of the cases. The girl looked at it and told me that she had a similar sized replacement one sitting beside her for just such an occasion. It looked okay to me so she phoned the Turkish Airlines rep for confirmation. A minute later I was the proud owner of a brand new suitcase …….. well that was easy.
It was then a case of just having to wait on the son-in-law arriving to collect us ……….. in the freezing weather. The air temperature was over 20C lower than the sea temperature we had left behind.

And so the holiday was over!

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